How to do it
- First of all go to settings>formatting>enable float alignment>YES
- Post options(below)> Edit HTML > use tags
- make sure your pics are of same width(if you want to have multiples). You may have variable widths/heights but that way fewer pic will come here.
- Choose the smallest size if they are not of same size
- On your upload image options. Press and hold control key to select multiple images (You must hav FLASH installed to do this).
- When all images appear here they will be in centre and on top of each other.
- LEFT-Click on each one and choose the size as small (if you want more pics) and alignment as LEFT.
- All of them will align to left (vertically). Now drag and drop EACH ONE on the left side of top pic one by one. If you miss the drop try again till they all arrange themselves like above.
- you must widen your post width (through body layout>adjust width section) to align more images !
Any queries?